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The Abbé draws the attention of the MPs at the National Assembly

On January 24, 2006, the Abbé addresses the Assembly in support of the SRU law (Solidarity and Urban Renewal), questioned by the State.

“If I am here it’s because the honour of France is at stake.”

Two days before the amendments to the SRU law are presented to the MPs, the Abbé Pierre goes to the National Assembly:

“If I am here, fifty years after my time with you, if I came here, it’s because the honour of France is at stake. Honour is when the strongest does his utmost to help the weakest, to help the frail.”

Despite everything, in the beginning and upon studying the Borloo Law on housing, on January 26, the MPs expand the percentage of 20% social housing to include access to property. The Abbé bitterly observes the result during the presentation of the Report on bad-housing on February 1:
“My friends, I am sad, because in my country we have cheated. There was a law with the rare quality of taking care of the small ones, the weak ones, and which imposed the construction of a certain percentage of affordable housing in towns. Some asked to revoke this law, they submitted amendments, and despite all that has been planned, despite the instructions of the Head of State and despite our address to the National Assembly, we’ve come to experience this sadness: France has forgotten that the little ones need help, that they also have the right to a space of their own. How did we come to favour those who least needed favours?”
On March 30, the Foundation calls upon the parliamentarians, on the occasion of the re-examination of the amendments to the SRU law by the Senate, by publishing a solemn text in Le Figaro, Le Praisien, La Croix, Libération, L’Humanité and Le Monde. Around twenty NGOs co-sign the document. This fight achieves a first victory: on April5, 2006, the Senate rejects the inclusion of access to property. The law is then promulgated in June 2006.