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The "Héliades" in Saint-Dié: social housing and renewable energy

"Le Toit Vosgien" ltd, selected for this construction programme, laid the first stone of the new residence with the Foundation.

For more than 2 years, the "Toit Vosgien", specialised in council housing, has been designing low fixed expenses housing for modest income tenants. The yearly heating cost of their renovated housing units reaches 930 Euros/year for a 3-bedroom unit and 130 Euros/year for a new unit.
For the laying of the first stone of the new residence by the "Toit Vosgien" in the Vosges, the staff and volunteers of the regional Agency of Alsace-Lorraine, present on site, were awarded a check for 1800 Euros, a gift from the company, to complete the prize received for the construction of the "Héliades".