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30 Solidarity Shops to give support to the most fragile

Last one to receive the "Foundation Abbé Pierre" label, the Solidarity Shop of Reims strengthens the pre-existing extensive network.

In the large main room, the hot meals served daily are one of the benefits that the guests can enjoy: lockers, showers, laundry services, post address, administrative and legal aid, psychological support, sports and activities...

During the winter period, opening hours of the shop are extended to include weekends, from 10 am to 2 pm, to offer a friendly reception space to those who don't have access to emergency housing solutions.

400 dedicated employees and volunteers receive and host 23 280 persons/year

The Foundation's Solidarity Shops network boast around 400 dedicated employees and volunteers who received and hosted 23 280 persons in 2012, divided as follows: 18% women, 82% men and 6% children.

With you help, defeating misery becomes a reality, thank you for your donation!