A tribute stamp representing the Abbé is issued
For this anniversary, the Foundation opened its doors to a gathering of collectors from Paris and the rest of the country. On site, cancelled stamps, photos and books were on sale all day long thanks to the participation of postal employees in addition to the staff and volunteers of the Foundation. A similar sale was taking place in Esteville, resting place of the Abbé in Normandy, and in Lyon.
A press conference was held at 11 o’clock in the presence of the Abbé’s former personal assistant, Laurent Desmard, and the director of Philaposte, Françoise Eslinger, who highlighted how rare it was to issue a tribute stamps merely 3 years after the passing of a public figure… A beautiful homage to our Founder whose kindness impacted the last century.
2 700 000 stamps designed by the engraver Claude Andréotto, were issued and are available for sale on laposte.fr.